Daily Life and Activities
Residents at the Centre always have the choice to participate in every planned activity – be it one-on-one time, group activities or externally conducted visits, our enthusiastic Recreational Activities Officers (RAOs) ensure that residents feel occupied, valued, and stimulated. The happiness and enjoyment of their home is one of our biggest priorities.
Some of the activities residents have the option to enjoy include:
- Music, singing and dance
- Gardening in our internal herb and vegetable garden
- Participating in Mass, receiving Communion, and prayer time
- Pastoral and prayer groups
- Knitting and crochet
- Drinking Lebanese coffee and socialising
- Arts and craft
- Videos and movies
- Board games
- Excursions
- Various activities conducted by external volunteers
- Visits from extended members of the St Charbel community, i.e. St Charbel’s College students, or members from St Charbel’s Parish.
It is a common misconception that residents in aged care homes are unable to leave. Family members are welcome to spend time with their loved one both inside and outside the Centre.
All residents, within practical reason, can leave the Centre during the day, provided we know where you are. Our staff members are happy to help you facilitate picking up your loved one for a day trip and answer any questions you may have.